De Botany Website of Fred Triep
This is my English startpage of my (sub) website
about plants. The startpage of my total website is Fred
Triep's homepage
Most articles are still in Dutch,
but they will be translated piecemeal in English in 2016/2017
The "Hortuskrant" (in the past "Plantage Hortus") is a newspaper, which is published four times a year
through the institution "Stichting Interimbeheer Hortus Botanicus"
in cooperation with the association "Friends of the Hortus". For that
newspaper I write regularly articles. Sometime later I shall publish these articles also on this website, after
they have been published in the newspaper. All the articles are written in Dutch, but
maybe in the future they will be translated.
Important pages:
New pages on the Botany Website:
To my startpage and guestbook:
The business website of
Fred Triep:
De TUIN&Natuur
wordt beheerd door
Tuinkrant |
For additions or reactions, send me an e-
email : Fred Triep
In the section "De plant van Fred" the
following articles have been published :
Other articles of me on the "The Botany Website"
are :
Other articles of me in the
"Hortuskrant" |
Other Botanical articles on
"The Botany Website", that have not been published in the "Hortuskrant" |
Digital flora's, made by me
Other digital flora's
This page has been updated on
Saturday, 7 January